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‘Establishment’ controls the GOP in Mississippi

Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal - Letter to the Editor: May 29, 2016

After attending the MGOP Convention as a Delegate from Lee County, I can report that the MSGOP is alive…but not well.

The MSGOP is organized to perpetuate its power, control, and influence.

Sadly, the grassroots are only given a voice if party leadership determines it to be in their interest.

I felt like I was used as a prop to give the perception of an open and fair process. I found a deck that is rigged/stacked for the establishment’s benefit.

I ran as a delegate not as a prop but to support a transparent process that would allow delegates to have a real say by allowing floor nominations.

Instead the MSGOP made a deal with the Trump campaign and gave them the delegates they wanted to send to the RNC in exchange for supporting the Nominating Committee’s slate which contained the hand picked people for the Party Executive Committee (PEC). The PEC runs the show for the MSGOP.

The establishment also ”rewarded’ certain delegates with positions on the PEC and slots as RNC Delegates. That is what happened when 4/8 delegates from Lee were “rewarded” with a place on the slate as either Delegates/Alternates or members of the PEC. The Establishment knew it would be difficult for them to stand and vote against themselves. The four “rewarded” voted for the Slate along with two others. Therefore, Lee voted 6 to 2 for the Establishment Slate.

It’s difficult to vote against yourself when given a chance to do something important or if you feel it’s great deal for your home County. But to me the selection of national delegates or members of the PEC was never about who was on the Slate, it was about the process. I would have voted for each of my fellow Delegates from Lee had their name been placed in nomination from the floor. Unfortunately, I was never given that chance..

However, hope remains. The grassroots will continue to challenge the out of touch system as it tries to push conservatives away from the table. Look at what happened in the recent Republican Presidential Primary…the voters sent a clear Anti-Establishment message…your power is slipping away.

Pete Sims


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