Tupelo Comic Con slated for March 5
By M. Scott Morris
Daily Journal
Science fiction and fantasy fans, along with cosplayers, comic book readers and gamers of all kinds, need to circle March 5 on their calendars.
Tupelo Comic Con will open at Link Centre with panels, vendors, special guests and more.
“Tupelo’s ready for an event like this,” said Kyle Dunigan, vice president of the convention. “It’s something people have wanted to have happen in Northeast Mississippi.”
He said a group of friends hit upon the idea last year while meeting with people who run the Geek Gathering in Sheffield, Alabama.
“It just kind of spun off from there,” he said.
The Ministry of Silly Suits, a cosplay group at the Lee County Library, threw its support behind Tupelo Comic Con early in the process. More than 1,000 people have “liked” the event’s Facebook page.
Vendors will include comic book publishers, game makers, cosplay groups and more.
“Pretty much everything in the realm of geek/nerd culture,” Dunigan said.
Voice actress Tiffany Grant will attend. She’s worked on numerous anime series, including “Neon Genesis Evangelion” and “Full Metal Alchemist.”
Another special guest will be illustrator Sam Flegal, who has provided art for “Warhammer 40K,” “Legend of the Five Rings” and “Hero Games.”
Alex Kahn, known as the “Prince of Macedon” on YouTube, also has agreed to come to Tupelo on March 5.
A list of events and special guests is available at www.tupelocomiccon.org. That’s also where to get tickets, which are $15/advance and $20/at the door.
Dunigan said Tupelo Comic Con will be a family friendly event, and that includes the after party, which will feature music by Moses Summer and DJ Se7en Sound.
All it takes to attend is a ticket and a willingness to explore. Some people will be dressed as superheroes or cartoon characters, but that’s certainly not required.
Anyone interested in working behind the scenes can visit the website to volunteer.
“It’s going to be a fun experience,” Dunigan said. “We really want to see what happens this year and in the years to come.”
Twitter: @mscottmorris