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Trump blasts former MS Gov. Haley Barbour...'up to my office many times asking for money'...

Sam R. Hall, The Clarion-Ledger

GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump lit into former Gov. Haley Barbour calling him an “old-time politician” who is only out for himself and not the people.

UPDATE: Henry Barbour calls for correction. See statement below.

Trump’s comments came in an interview on Good Morning America with George Stephanopoulos, who asked Trump about Barbour’s statements to the New York Times.

"Whoever is not named Trump and not named Cruz that looks strong out of both Iowa and New Hampshire, we should consolidate around,” the quote in the New York Times read.

The only problem: It was Henry Barbour, not Haley, the New York Times quoted. Henry Barbour is the former governor’s nephew, a Republican National Committee member and influential GOP political strategist.

Stephanopoulos never caught the mistake he made as Trump went on to lambast the former governor.

Well, look, he’s an old-time politician, up in my office looking for money for many times, and he’s an old-time politician who’s losing his grip. And, frankly, I haven’t heard the name “Haley Barbour” mentioned in a year and a half, and I guess people don’t like to get out. The fact is whether they like it or not I’m in first place by a lot. Cruz is in second place. And a lot of that is because people are fed up with the old-time politicians like Haley Barbour that haven’t done anything. And you look, we have Barack Obama for the last eight years because of people like Haley Barbour that don’t know what they’re doing. They’re only good for them themselves, not for the people.

You can watch the phone interview below. The comments related to Haley/Henry Barbour begin at just before the 4 minute mark.

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UPDATE: Henry Barbour has called on George Stephanopoulos to correct his error:

“On Good Morning America today, George Stephanopoulos mistakenly attributed a quote in the New York Times to former Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour and asked Donald Trump about it on air. The problem is that I made the comment about my desire for someone other than Donald Trump or Ted Cruz to win the GOP nomination, not Haley. While the NYT accurately quoted me, it seems plain to me that Stephanopoulos should clarify this tomorrow on GMA.”


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