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Authorities find 51 meth labs, stolen rifle, and two year old child in home

By Kaitlin Chappell

and Jack Madison


Narcotics investigators say it's the most one-pot meth labs they've seen during a single bust in Limestone County in years, and a toddler was in the home.

Authorities say they discovered 51 labs, along with other drugs and several rifles, one of which was confirmed stolen.

Limestone County Deputy and Public Information Officer Stephen Young said a two-year-old girl was caught in the middle of the dangerous mess, and that someone looking out for her tipped off the Department of Human Resources about the situation.

DHR workers and sheriff's deputies went to the mobile home on Carey Street in Athens Thursday night.

Investigators say the trailer was full of used one-pot meth labs, They say one of the rifles of the six rifles found was stolen, and they are checking to see if any of the others are, too.

Authorities say, they also found more than eight grams of methamphetamine, the dangerous chemicals used to make the drug, pills, and drug paraphernalia.

A family member is taking care of the girl. Her parents, 29-year-old Stanley Scott and 23-year-old Dustie George, are charged with chemical endangerment to a child, manufacturing a controlled substance, possession with intent to distribute, and receiving stolen property.

Young said the health dangers from the chemicals aren't the only problems for kids subjected to meth making. He said it sometimes takes intervention to break a generational cycle.

"Their children are around it and growing up, and then 10 -15 years later, they're the ones in it. A lot of times you're left trying to pick the best of a lot of bad alternatives," Young said. Stanley Scott and Dustie George bonds have not been set yet.


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