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Alabama drivers rank low in safe driving - only one in five properly insured


In just seven days there have been at least 11 traffic fatalities in the area, but statistics show that Alabama ranks very low when it comes to safe drivers.

Also according to AAA, only about one in five drivers in the state are properly insured.

Hearing statistics like that concerns drivers like Lisa Glover.

"I have a 20-year-old son, so I'm always worried about him when he's out," she said. "And when I hear anything about an accident or anything ...I'm concerned, I'll call him."

Glover told ABC 33/40 she knew the state's reputation when it comes to driving wasn't great, but according to her, it doesn't have to be this way. Her advice is to slow down and be aware.

"By the traffic being so congested, people are actually driving too fast," said Glover.

She continued to say she would like to see a change in Alabama's low rankings and that little things like being an insured driver can make a difference.

"It's the law, that's why you expect them to do it because it is the law," said Glover.

According to AAA, low safe driver numbers are consistent in all age groups in the state.

"It's something that can be fairly easily corrected if we all just concentrate and focus on being a better driver... which is really not that difficult," said Clay Ingram, from AAA.

Ingram said different factors contribute to the state's numbers, including the quality of the roads and the level of training for young drivers.

"To eliminate or reduce distractions, to obey the traffic laws, not speed and not drink and drive," he said.

According to Ingram, doing those things would help make Alabamians a lower risk on the road.


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