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$6,500 Special Education Scholarships are under utilized in Mississippi

JEFF AMY, The Associated Press


Demand so far has been low for $6,500 scholarships that Mississippi is awarding to parents of special education students to use in private or home schooling. The Mississippi Department of Education has approved 286 students so far, and provided reimbursement for only 131 students.

Lawmakers appropriated $3 million, enough for 433 students.

In discussions earlier this month before the state Board of Education, officials said some people couldn’t use the money after approval because they couldn’t find private schools to accept special education students.

Martha Beard of Pelahatchie says her daughter Lanna is one student benefiting. The money awarded to Lanna covers most of her tuition at New Summit School in Jackson, where her mother says Lanna receives instruction better tailored to help her overcome trouble processing and recalling information.

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