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MS Tea Party - Shows Growth and Progress

Sandra Inman via Facebook

The Mississippi Tea Party held its ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETING on Saturday Dec. 5, 2015 in Pearl, MS.

A new chapter, Grassroots Alliance of Lauderdale County, was approved by Delegates from across Mississippi for inclusion into the Mississippi Tea Party. The new chapter, led by President Jinny Walz, was welcomed by Chairman Laura Van Overschelde.

Featured business included an online presentation by Paul Buisson of the new website which he designed. The website is an excellent reference tool for Conservative issues in which Mississippians especially are interested. Officers elected were: Chairman Laura Van Overschelde, First Vice President Cindy Saulter, Secretary Jo Cox, Treasurer Billy Don Mills and Executive Director Sandra Inman. Speakers included Keith Plunkett of United Conservative Fund, Ray Shores of Save the Flag, Jo Cox of Convention of States and Baird Moor on Property Rights/Taxation. Chairman Van Overschelde encouraged the state group by stating that we have a VISION -- “Without a vision, the people perish. Happy are those who live by the law.” Proverbs 29:18. Future projects discussed were the 2016 elections, getting involved in local and state issues and networking with others.

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