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Alabama KKK recruiting to 'fight the spread of Islam'

By Leada Gore |

Fliers claiming to be from the KKK were distributed in North Alabama last weekend. (Contributed photo/CAIR- Alabama)

The state chapter of America's largest Muslim civil liberties and advocacy organization is calling on Alabama officials to denounce Ku Klux Klan recruiting efforts that urge people to join together to fight the "spread of Islam in our country."

KKK recruiting fliers have been distributed in Decatur, Guntersville and Cullman in recent days. The fliers, showing the image of a hooded KKK member, includes the words "The KKK wants you! Help us fight the spread of Islam in our country" with a phone number and website for more information.

The fliers were distributed in people's yards last weekend. Similar leaflets though without a reference to Islam, were distributed in the same areas in September.

CAIR-Alabama Executive Director Khaula Hadeed said Alabama's leaders should denounce any efforts to recruit members for white supremacy groups.

"Our state's leaders must speak out against the rising anti-Muslim bigotry nationwide that is apparently inspiring a new recruiting effort by racists," Hadeed said. "The KKK must be repudiated, whether it targets African-Americans, Muslims or any other minority group with hatred and intimidation."

Hadeed said the organization has seen a spike in anti-Muslim incidents nationwide in the wake of the Paris terror attacks, the San Bernardino massacre and Donald Trump's call to bar Muslims from the United States.

The Cullman/Decatur fliers are allegedly from the Loyal White Knights of the KKK. The organization, based out of east Alabama, is one of five active KKK groups in the state, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center.

The Cullman County Sheriff's Office has said the distribution of fliers in legal, though the current methods of throwing them in people's yards could result in criminal trespassing or littering charges.

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