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Opinion: GOP Establishment Signals Intent To Use “Mississippi Strategy” Against Trump After Trump’s

The Last Refuge... by sundance

Remember Mississippi ?

The professional apparatus of the Republican Party are signaling their intent to do exactlywhat we predicted they would do. Trump will win the primary, and the GOPe [GOP Establishment] will split the party to run an additional candidate in the general election.

It’s not Trump going third party – It’s the establishment GOP (GOPe) intending to go third party. They are planning a modified version of the Mississippi Strategy from 2014.

In order to pull off the “Mississippi Plan” nationally, and specifically because of the ideological severity which will be obvious within their approach, the GOPe need to begin planting the seeds of intent now within the various camps they’ll need to support them. We’ll explain.

Most people are unaware that back in 2014 conservative Senate Candidate Chris McDaniel defeated incumbent Republican Senator Thad Cochran in the Mississippi primary. However, it was a three-way race and McDaniel didn’t get past the 50% +1 threshold.

McDaniel did defeat Cochran in the first Republican primary, meaning he got more votes, but a second run-off primary was required because the 50% threshold was not achieved.

Between those two primary races is when the professional apparatus within the GOP/RNC hatched a plan, and kicked the plan to action.

Their plan was a simple one – a blitz attack against McDaniel using racist attack ads (which they funded), and a plan to get Democrats to vote in the Second Primary to offset the Republicans who were not supporting Cochran.

Their plan worked. In the second primary McDaniel again won a majority of the Republican votes, however he lost the race because thousands of paid democrats (mostly from Black church attendees) turned out on election day and voted for Thad Cochran.

McDaniel won the majority of the Republican vote, but Cochran won with Republican and the new Democrat votes.

It is not a matter of debate that this is what took place – it is well established fact, and when confronted with the overwhelming evidence – admitted by the GOPe and RNC who pulled it off.

The National Republican Senatorial Committee paid for the racist attack ads – and so too did Karl Rove and American Crossroads Super-PAC (link) Karl Rove tried to deny it, but the FEC filings reveal he was a liar:


They also paid the local Mississippi Democrats, including churches, for their efforts.

If it sounds shocking, it’s because it was. At the time few could believe the extent the GOPe was willing to go to protect “their guy” Thad Cochran.

So how does this ideological intent play out now in the 2016 Presidential Primary Race?

The GOPe is even more adverse to Donald Trump than they were toward Chris McDaniel.

A Trump victory almost certainly guarantees they will be kicked away from their place at the trough. In addition the U.S. Chamber of Commerce would be defeated on their legislative priorities.

Trump would eliminate, remove or block:

The retention of ObamaCare – without repeal.

The establishment of Common Core Education Standards

Comprehensive Immigration Reform to include Amnesty programs

The Trans-Pacific Trade Deal (TPP)

All four of these U.S. CoC legislative priorities are supported openly – or by duplicity – by all of the preferred GOPe candidates.

Important Note – These priorities are also supported on the Democrat side by Hillary Clinton. A Clinton win is not a GOPe defeat. Think about this aspect very carefully.

Either an establishment candidate -OR- Hillary Clinton will achieve the objectives of the GOPe machine, the professional republican apparatus, the entire collective crew of power-brokers who work in behalf of Globalists and Wall Street international financial conglomerates.

The only candidate who blocks the ideological goals of the aforementioned team is Donald Trump. Period.

Here’s What They Are Doing Now – The GOPe team is espousing everywhere that Donald Trump cannot defeat Hillary Clinton. They don’t believe it either – they know they’re lying – but they need to lie. They need to keep selling that lie because it holds a larger objective.

The Trump-Can’t-Beat-Hillary narrative is an absolute fallacy, and only espoused because they need an excuse for their plans AFTER they lose the GOP primary to Donald Trump.

Everywhere they can, the spokespeople and ideological compatriots for the establishment will repeat this point: Trump can’t beat Hillary. You are going to see it repeated with increasing frequency everywhere.

The GOPe are/will be repeating it, because they have to.

They need to sell this false narrative in order for them to have cover for when they deploy their nuclear “Mississippi Plan” in 2016.

When Donald Trump wins the 2016 Republican Primary, the professional political apparatus will run a “Romney-Like” candidate, quite possibly Mitt Romney himself, against Clinton/Trump in order to protect their nest, their DC base of operations and their financial place.

The official Republican Party will deploy a similar strategy they previously applied in 2014 toward Chris McDaniel. Either by rule changes, scheme, or outright establishment of analternate party candidate – they must undermine the winner of the primary.

This is their plan.

What Can Be Done ? Watch their maneuvers – and put them on notice NOW. Force the RNC/GOPe apparatus to pledge their intent to support the winner of their own party primary. It might not stop them from deploying their party rule tricks, but at least they’ll be on notice.

When it happened to Chris McDaniel in 2014 we were caught off guard.

Don’t allow us to be caught off guard this time.

Candidate Jeb Bush attends Chamber of Commerce dinner with Fox’s Rupert Murdoch and Valerie Jarrett (December 2014)

Just a Reminder, this is an insurgency. – The modern enemy of Wall Street is Main Street vulgarians. The enemy of the RNC/GOPe is not Democrats, it’s Grassroots Conservatives, more vulgarians.

The Republican Party, and the Republican media apparatus, view us as their enemy. We are the enemy they need to protect themselves from:

In 2014, the RNC approved selection rules that govern how each state’s delegates are portioned out from the primaries. Under one of the changes, states holding their primaries between March 1 and March 14 will have their delegates doled out proportionately with election results, a change that will likely stymie a movement candidate.

States that have primaries on or after March 15 will be winner-take-all states.

That’s important because another RNC rule change requires that a candidate must win a majority of delegates in eight or more states before his or her name may be presented for nomination at the 2016 Republican National Convention.

With 18 GOP presidential candidates, for now, it will be that much harder for any candidate to win a majority in any state, let alone eight. (Article July 2015)

Now, ask yourself, why would the RNC want to “stymie a movement candidate“? Who exactly does that benefit? Obviously, the “non-movement” candidate, ie “the turtle“.

Isn’t the entire reason for campaigning in Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina etc. to make a movement/momentum?

In addition Rule #40 changed in 2014 from previously five needed state wins, to a newer threshold of eight (8):

Officially, it’s Rule 40 in the RNC handbook and it states that any candidate for president “shall demonstrate the support of a majority of the delegates from each of eight (8) or more states” before their name is presented for nomination at the national convention. (article March 2014)

Again, ask yourself who does this benefit? A candidate can win seven states outright, and still not have their name presented for nomination?

These rules were made/affirmed in 2014 – Who or what exactly was the GOP concerned about blocking in 2016 that would necessitate such rules? When combined with other rule changes you can clearly identify a consolidation of power within the RNC apparatus intentionally constructed to stop the candidate of the GRASSROOTS from achieving victory.

It’s all part of their GOPe Roadmap.

♦ Reference and Resources – (links to internal MSM references are contained within prior outlines): RNC Rule Changes RNC Rule Battles

♦ Following The Money

♦ The GOPe Roadmap

♦ The Roles of The Players – “The Splitters”

♦ How each candidate is aligned in the Roadmap

♦ Arrow #1 Trump Hits The Super-PACs – The GOPe Achilles Heel

♦ Arrow #2 Trump Hits Bush – Inside The Wall Street Fortress

♦ Arrow #3 Trump Cuts Off Rubio/Bush switch – The GOPe Switch

♦ The Rick Perry Tripwire Exposed – DC Super-Pac

♦ Jeb Bush Super-Pac Will immediately spend $10 Million

♦ Proving there is only one political party in Washington DC

♦ Why Support Trump – Part One (The GOPe Ruse)

♦ Why Support Trump – Part Two (Stop being played)

♦ Why Support Trump – Part Three (Intellectual Details)

♦ How To Defeat the GOPe Road Map

♦ Current Polling Exposes – the Ohio, Florida, Texas, Virginia, New York Splitters

♦ Florida Polling Exposes – Donald Trump defeating Jeb’s Florida Strategy

♦ Rush Limbaugh Discusses/Affirms – The “splitter strategy”

♦ The Biden Paradox – Trump Winning Means Clinton Must Be Removed

♦ Salem Media Communications (GOPe Media Arm) Launches Attack

♦ Open Letter To GOPe – The Conservative Frustration

♦ Why The GOPe Will Never Stop Attacking Donald Trump

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