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Gov. Bentley responds to USDOT driver license office discrimination investigation

By Mia Watkins


The U.S. Department of Transportation will investigate driver license office closings across Alabama for possible racial discrimination.

The department announced the investigation Tuesday, saying that it will look into whether or not the closures violate Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, according to a news release.

“Today, the U.S. Department of Transportation is making it clear that Title VI is not optional and that we will work to make sure all of its components are enforced,” said U.S. Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx. “Driver License Offices offer essential services to the American people, including providing thousands in Alabama with a method of identification. It is critical that these services be free of discrimination, and serve the people of the state fairly and equally.”

Title VI prohibits discrimination based on nationality, race and color in programs getting federal assistance.

The state as well as the Alabama Law Enforcement Agency receive “substantial Federal assistance from the Department, and, therefore, are subject to Title VI’s nondiscrimination prohibition,” the USDOT said.

Both entities authorized the closure of 31 driver license offices on Sept. 30.

Gov. Bentley cited a business decision as the reason for the closings.

The offices represent less than 5 percent of driver license business throughout the state, according to ALEA.

Bentley has since announced a plan to reopen some of the offices on limited days, following backlash from Rep. Terri Sewell, Hillary Clinton, Rev. Jesse Jackson and others.

Initial information received by USDOT suggests the closings may discriminate against African-Americans who live in the areas affected by the closings, the department said.

“Our concern rests in the possibility that the State’s closure of driver license offices disproportionately constrains the ability of some residents to secure driving privileges, register personal and commercial vehicles, and obtain proper identification –a critical requirement for access to essential activities such as opening a bank account and voting,” said Stephanie Jones, Acting Director of the Department of Civil Rights.

Bentley released a statement Wednesday morning saying:

“In an ongoing attempt to politicize a resolved issue, the United States Department of Justice informed my office Tuesday of an impending investigation by the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT) that is in its early stages and no findings have been made. Due to legislative budget cuts, in September 2015, the Alabama Law Enforcement Agency (ALEA) reallocated driver license examination personnel back to the district drivers license offices on a full time basis. Prior to this budget decision, these examiners, who are state employees, were traveling to each county level probate office or courthouse once or twice a week to provide the service of examination. I made the decision in October 2015 to ensure that an examiner report to each county level office at least once a month to continue providing this service."

“Despite what the Obama Administration claims, there were no driver license offices closed in Alabama. Despite facts to the contrary, opportunistic politicians such as Hillary Clinton have politicized an Alabama budgeting issue to serve their own agenda, going so far as to travel to our state for the sole purpose of political pandering. This USDOT investigation is nothing more than a weak attempt to embarrass the people of Alabama and exploit our state in the name of a political agenda. I am confident that the USDOT investigation will find no basis for the claims of discrimination. It is time for the Obama Administration and aspiring national politicians to listen to facts, stop wasting taxpayers’ dollars and put the political agendas away.”

The department said it will consider all relevant information during the investigation.

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