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Video of Pascagoula groom breaking down in tears goes viral


It’s a wedding video that has gone viral, a Pascagoula youth pastor breaking down in tears at his wedding.

  • VIRAL VIDEO: Groom in tears as bride walks down aisle

  • Many people cry at weddings, but a video of a Pascagoula groom with tears in his eyes has gone viral, making him the envy of many women.

Since it was uploaded Sunday, more than 2 million viewers have watched Will Ceaser break down in tears as his bride, Lindsey Whitehead, walked down the aisle.

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You tend to see brides crying on their wedding day, but in this case, the groom couldn't hold back the waterworks. The tears flowed the moment he laid eyes on his beaming bride. The emotional video is creating a social media buzz.

It is a short video that's bound to melt your heart. The groom is seen bursting into tears and sobbing uncontrollably as his bride walks down the aisle. There is not a dry eye in the sanctuary.

"I look around and everyone's crying. The whole place is crying with him," said Patti White, who attended the wedding.

"I started crying. I don't know what happened. It was such a beautiful moment," said the Rev. Eddie White.

The emotional groom is Will Ceaser, a youth pastor at New Covenant Assembly of God in Pascagoula. The wedding was held Saturday at a church in Eufaula, AL. It’s the same church where Ceaser met the love of his life, Lindsey Whitehead.

"He wanted to get married last year, but she wanted a Christmas wedding. So he waited. I think it just symbolizes that the wait was worth it," said Patti.

"When Will started tearing up, I looked around, because I didn't want anybody to see a man crying. Obviously, there were other people crying too, including men, and I wasn't ashamed," said Eddie.

Eddie and his wife, Patti, believe Ceaser's tears were triggered by more than just seeing his beautiful bride.

Eddie said Whitehead's parents had objected to the couple's marriage. So, when her mom showed up unexpectedly on the wedding day and walked her daughter down the aisle, it was an overwhelming moment for the couple.

"It was very emotional. It was good. I know it was a very happy cry, so we were happy for him," said Patti.

"I think it was the icing on the cake for their wedding," said Eddie.

The wedding video is now a social media sensation, with more than 3 million views so far on Facebook and close to 62,000 shares and counting.

"I think everyone loves a good story, a good happy story," said Patti.

"It took me back and I started crying again when I saw it," said Eddie. "It's humanity and it's love and it's the starting of a relationship, and that's what's touching everyone, I believe."

The happy couple is honeymooning in Florida this week. Whitehead will be moving from Alabama to Pascagoula to help her husband with his youth ministry, and we hear she has a beautiful singing voice.

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