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Report: MSU athletics profitable, Ole Miss and Auburn in the red in 2014

(WTVA) — No one would be surprised to hear that Mississippi State and Ole Miss spend big money on athletics, but you may be surprised to hear how much is being spent.

This week, The Washington Post looked at spending by the two universities in 2014. MSU spent $59.6 million, and the school turned a profit.

Ole Miss spent $72 million but spent more money than it had.

The newspaper says Ole Miss was one of 28 schools in major conferences that operated at a loss in 2014.

That 28 includes fellow SEC members Auburn and South Carolina.

In 2004, MSU and Ole Miss spent far less, and both outspent what they took in. That year, MSU spent $28.2 million. Ole Miss spent $31.3 million.

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