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Mississippi universities plan tuition increases in 2016 to record levels

By JEFF AMY Associated Press


In-state tuition at Mississippi's eight public universities is set to rise by 4.1 percent on average next fall, with the average price of tuition and fees crossing $7,000 for the first time.

The College Board approved preliminary plans Thursday for all universities to raise prices. The board must vote again later to finalize increases.

The statewide average for two semesters of full-time tuition and fees would rise by an average of $268 to $7,027.

Increases range from 2.5 percent at Alcorn State University to 5 percent at Delta State University.

Tuition would go up another 3.3 percent on average in fall 2017 under plans presented to the board. Universities sometimes change their second-year plans.

Seven schools plan increases ranging from 1.4 percent to 4.9 percent. Delta State plans no increase.

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