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'Canary' phone app helps catch crooks red-handed

Pensacola, FL

(WEAR) - A couple decided to defend their home after they were burglarized twice in the past seven weeks. Ryan Nash has lived in a well kept Bellview neighborhood for more than a year. His sense of security was shattered when thieves broke into his new home. The thieves took TV's and other electronics. The family decided to defend their home and their small investment paid off! This past weekend while the Nash family was out of town, the thieves struck again, but this time it was all caught on tape. "It was a horrific and stressful video to watch," Nash said. They used a new device with a special phone-app to catch some thieves red-handed. This time the thieves didn't know he had installed a phone-app called 'Canary.' The app notified him that an intruder was in his home. He was out of cell range at the time of the break in, but when he was able to check it again, there was the video, that captured the suspects face and more. Nash said, "One took off his hood and turned to the left to see down the hallway. And it exposed the tattoo on his right neck." Only some alcohol was missing, but Nash says investigators were impressed. His assistance to solving the case took another turn Monday, when he noticed a strange acting man on his very street. "He was going through different people's yards knocking on the door across the street and for a split second he took off his hood, and I was able to notice the tattoo on his neck," Nash recalled. Deputies were called and the man was arrested. He even gave up his accomplices. Nash has added an alarm and dog to his home security arsenal, but says it was his "Canary" that put the crooks in the cage. The 'Canary' app is linked to a digital camera you have to purchase, It's about $200.

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