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Billboard calls on Ole Miss to again fly the state flag


Not everyone is happy with the University of Mississippi deciding to no longer fly the state flag. A group called Our State Flag Foundation has paid for a billboard along Highway 6 that reads "Ole Miss, you take our money, you fly our flag."

"We felt it was wrong that a state university that received state funds would take down the flag of the state that it represents," said Johnathan Maki, a university alumnus who helped start the organization.

The organization also has a petition drive going on its website aimed at getting the flag flying again on campus.

Allen Coon wrote the resolution to take down the flag on campus. He is not surprised by the billboard or any other pushback by flag supporters. "This is a very difficult subject for a lot of Mississippians," said Coon. Coon thinks the university made a tough decision but the right decision.

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