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Big names booked for Mobile's Civic Center - Venue to close April 2016


The closing date for Mobile’s Civic Center hasn’t changed; however, the venue continues to book some big time acts.

Mobile Mayor Sandy Stimpson says the venue will close April 24, 2016.

Mobile Civic Center closing detailed in timeline

Some believe the big name acts could be part of a last-ditch effort to save the downtown venue.

“I hope it will work. I'm glad that whoever started making phone calls is making phone calls and getting some groups in that everybody wants to hear,” Mobile resident Christy LeGros said.

Rock and Roll Hall of Famer Elton John is set to perform in March.

Monday,we learned big time actor and comedian Kevin Hart is set to appear in December.

However, it appears headliners won’t change the mayor’s decision. His office sent FOX10 News this statement: “We are pleased and excited to welcome these talented performers to Mobile. But no single event – not even one by a Rock and Roll Hall of Famer – changes the fact that the Civic Center remains an aging, underutilized building that costs Mobile taxpayers thousands of dollars every day. When world-class artists come to Mobile, we’d like to have a world-class venue in which to see them perform.”

Stimpson says the Civic Center is costing citizens nearly $2 million a year.

Also, it would cost about $20 million to bring the building into ADA compliance and about $40 million to upgrade the facility.

“If we can find money for some of the other projects in Mobile that aren't bringing in any revenue why can't we find money to fix something that generates revenue in the city of Mobile,” Mobile County resident Billie Mosely said. END WNStoryBody

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