DeSoto County: Fastest growing area of Mississippi
Somebody a long time ago made the cynical observation that the three biggest cities in Mississippi are Memphis, New Orleans and Mobile. Well, obviously they aren’t in Mississippi physically. But spiritually, that’s another thing. Especially Memphis.
Growing up in Greenville, Memphis was way more important to us than Jackson. It was sort of the capitol of the Delta. And the Capitol Building would have been the Peabody Hotel. That’s where politically powerful Delta planters went on their weekend getaways with their wives. And while the wives shopped the men argued politics. Well, those days are in the past and the ducks get the attention in the lobby of the Peabody now.
And down south of town, toward the Delta and the edge of the bluffs, that’s where the biggest attention for new growth in the Memphis area is, particularly DeSoto County.
Used to be a lot of sprawling acres of cotton fields and dairy farms between Hernando and Memphis. Now it’s a 10-lane highway on through South Haven into the city.
DeSoto County is the fastest growing area of Mississippi. There are a couple of reasons for that. One is people who want to get out of Memphis, but not too far out, are moving there.
DeSoto County schools are good and the infrastructure allows quick access into and out of Memphis for work. Or, for that matter, you don’t even have to go into Memphis anymore. There’s plenty of places to work right there on the Mississippi side of the line.
And the other big reason this part of Mississippi is the fastest growing, people are moving there who want to move TO Memphis, but not too close. Here, you are just a few minutes away from city convenience and also country scenery, if in fact, they’re not right across the road from each other.
There is bound to be growing pains in a situation like this. I’m sure there are folks who wish it were like it used to be. But, it never will be again, anywhere. May as well get with it and join modern day and pick the side of the road you want to live on.