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"Earthly Angel": Alabama woman moved by stranger's gift of $100

Pell City, AL

Melissa Simms "was having one of those days where it just seemed everything was going wrong," she recently posted on Facebook.

Then, while at the doctor's office, an "earthly angel" handed Simms' son a $100 bill to give to her, she posted on the page What's Happening in Pell City.

"This made my whole entire day THANK YOU and I will pay it forward! I have read about these random acts of kindness, but this is the first time I have ever experienced it first hand," she wrote.

"Just thought maybe this could cheer up someone's day as much as it has mine!!!"

A note with the bill read, "I've had days like you are having today. Hang in there."

The note ended with the Bible verse Joshua 1:9 -- "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."

The Facebook post has made its way from Alabama to Europe, where it was shared on the news site and Metro.

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